Министерство спорта РФ
Министерство спорта РФ
Ministry of Sports - the ministry supporting international competitions in Russia
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Sponsors Guide
Sponsors Guide
Деловая Россия
Деловая Россия
Delovaya Rossiya represents the interests of private companies that achieve leading positions in their industries; it unites more than 7 thousand businessmen. The total annual revenue of enterprises is about 2.8 trillion rubles.
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FREEDOM finance
FREEDOM finance
Challenge Family
Challenge Family
CHALLENGEFAMILY is the fastest growing global triathlon series. With 41 full and middle distances in 26 different countries, CHALLENGEFAMILY is changing the face of triathlon around the world. Due to spectacular courses in iconic destinations, no CHALLENGEFAMILY race is like another. Focusing on delivering the race of a lifetime to athletes of all ages.
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Ledokol club
Ledokol club
Ledokol club unites more than 500 investors around the world investing in disruptive technologies, artificial intelligence and sports digital products. The capitalization of club members is more than $ 1 billion.
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